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6 – 30 September 2023, Helmet Row

6 – 30 September 2023

Rebecca Warren, Croccioni (brunst), 2009

René Daniëls, Untitled, 1984

Frank Auerbach, David Landau Seated, 2013-15

Gary Hume, Mum, 2017

David Hockney, Gregory in a Golf Cap, 1976

Lucian Freud, La Voisine (The Neighbour), 1947

Around the Table, no. 2, 1975, Leon Kossoff
Marilyn Farber, 1977, Alice Neel

Lubaina Himid, Le Rodeur: The Lock, 2016

Alex Katz, Halsey 2, 2022

Painting Him Out, 2011, Paula Rego

Frank Walter

Lucian Freud, Portrait (Raymond Jones), c. 1977-78

Michael Andrews, Painter at Work

Press Release

Press release

Modern Art is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring:

Mamma Andersson

Michael Andrews

Frank Auerbach

René Daniëls

Lucian Freud

Lubaina Himid

David Hockney

Gary Hume

Alex Katz

Leon Kossoff

Alice Neel

Paula Rego

Frank Walter

Rebecca Warren

For more information, please contact Pascale de Graaf (