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Bojan Sarčević

Bojan Šarčević works in sculpture and film, with materials mined for their specificities: wax, onyx, human hair, raw meat and hollowed watermelons are just several examples of his chosen constituents. His works involve sculptural interventions into the gallery space in order to recreate fragmented and abstracted experiences of bodily encounters that are at once familiar and uncanny: such moments might include browsing a lyrical supermarket aisle; snagging on a tree branch, or edging around a seemingly discarded plastic bag containing jerky. Though they may hint at broader movements and historical events, including Modernism, Constructivism, Retrofuturism, and thesocialist states transtion to capitalism and its consequences, the precise meanings of Šarčević’s works are left indeterminate. His installations arise from a research-based practice rooted in philosophical and scientific inquiry and permeated with ideas of aspiration and nostalgia. For his 2018 exhibition at Modern Art, Sentimentality is the Core, he installed a series of commercial freezers containing transducer speakers, which transmitted fragmented 1980s pop songs by George Michael and Sade through the farmed ice crystals that lined their interiors. This work, like almost all Šarčević’s works, traces its beginnings back through specific histories and narratives – in this case the political legacies of the 1980s both in the Soviet Union and in the USA and UK – while connecting personal sentiment with collective experience.

Bojan Šarčević was born in Belgrade in 1974 and he lives and works between Basel and Paris. Šarčević studied at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France, followed by postgraduate study at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, Netherlands. He currently teaches at De Ateliers in Amsterdam and at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Šarčević’s work was the subject of solo exhibitions at Modern Art, London (2018, 2016, 2013, 2010); Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Kunstverein Hamburg (2008).He has participated in recent group exhibitions at Art Basel Parcours (2022); the 58th October Salon/Belgrade Biennale (2021); Mudam, Luxembourg City (2020); Lustwarande, Tilburg (2019); Manifesta 12, Palermo (2018); and the Whitechapel Gallery, London (2018). Šarčević’s works are held in collections including the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa; Kiasma, Helsinki; Museum Abteiberg, Monchengladbach; MMK, Frankfurt; and Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna.

L'Extime, Galerie Frank Elbaz, Paris, 2021
Replace the Irreplaceable, 2006
pear wood, brass, 250 × 320 × 80 cm, 98 3/8 x 126 x 31 1/2 in
Tridiminished, 2013
onyx, candle, 65 x 69 x 61 cm, 25 5/8 x 27 1/8 x 24 1/8 in
She, 2010
onyx, 184 x 124 x 40 cm, 72 1/2 x 48 7/8 x 15 3/4 in
Presence at Night, 2010
wooden stick, human hair, 40 x 40 x 90 cm, 15 3/4 x 15 3/4 x 35 3/8 in
AHTParis250AD/Differentcorner, 2018
freezer, ice, audio, 75 x 88 x 250 cm, 29 1/2 x 34 5/8 x 98 3/8 in
exhibition element (MA-SARCB-00088), 2016
aluminium, plasterboard, paint, epoxy, concrete, styrofoam, polyurethane, dried meat, 278 x 200 x 536 cm, 109 1/2 x 78 3/4 x 211 1/8 in
exhibition element (MA-SARCB-00074), 2016
teak, 158 x 216 x 52 cm, 62 1/4 x 85 1/8 x 20 1/2 in
Homo Sentimentalis, 2020
marble block, chest freezer, frost, sound system, mannequin, carved marble, silk blouse, jute rope, block: 93 x 210.5 x 127 cm, 36 5/8 x 82 7/8 x 50 in, mannequin: 167 x 100 x 67 cm, 65 3/4 x 39 3/8 x 26 3/8 in
New Emotional Style, 2020
marble block, ice cube machine, ice, soundsystem, carved marble, limestone, birch wood, 179 x 81 x 169 cm, 70 1/2 x 31 7/8 x 66 1/2 in
A Curious Contortion in the Method of Progress, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2012
The Breath Taker is The Breath Giver (Film A), 2009 (film still)


Artnet1 June 2017
Flash Art1 January 2017
Artforum1 January 2013
Art Review5 January 2012
Frieze9 January 2008
Frieze11 January 2000


Bojan Šarčević

Born in Belgrade, Serbia, 1974
 Lives and works in Berlin, Germany; and Paris, France

Solo Exhibitions

galerie frank elbaz, Paris, France
Thank you for pointing to your perineum
BQ, Berlin, Germany
Sentimentality is the core
Modern Art, London
Modern Art, London
In the rear view mirror
BQ, Berlin, Germany
In the rear view mirror
Pinksummer, Genova, Italy
Modern Art, London
L’ellipse d’ellipseInstitut d'art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France
Rhombic Oath
Leopold Hoesch Museum, Duren, Germany
A Curious Contortion in the Method of ProgressKunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
At Present
BQ, Berlin, Germany
Modern Art, London
Involuntary Twitchde Vleeshal, Middelburg, Netherlands
Le Grand Café
St. Nazaire, France
Pink Summer, Genova, Italy
At Present, BQ, Berlin, Germany
The breath-taker is the breath-giver
Galerie Carlier Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Only After DarkKunstverein Hamburg, Germany
Already vanishingMAMBO, Bologna, Italy (exhb. cat.)
Only After Dark
Le Credac, Ivry, France
BQ, Cologne, Germany
Kissing the back of your hand sounds like a wounded bird
Bawag Foundation, Vienna, Austria (exhb. cat.)
Already Vanishing
MAMbo, Bologna, Italy
Sometimes a man gets carried away
Kunstverein Heilbronn, Heilbronn, Germany
To what extent should an artist understand the implications of his or her findings?
Project Arts Centre, Dublin and The Model Arts – Niland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland (exhb. cat.)
Replace the Irreplaceable
Gallery Carlier Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Wanting without needing, Loving without leaningArtPace Fondation, San Antonio, TX, USA
Keep the illusion for the end
BQ, Cologne, Germany (exhb. cat.)
Everything makes sense in the reverse
Pinksummer, Genova, Italy
Galerie Carlier Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Verticality Downwards
Kunstverein Munich, Munich, Germany (exhb. cat.)
Where the hand doesn’t enter, heat infusesIAC Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbane/Lyon, France
Spirit of Versatility and Inclusiveness
BQ, Cologne, Germany (exhb. cat.)
Rien ne peut venir que d’ailleurs
Centre d’Art Contemporain Bretigny, Bretigny sur Orge, France (exhb. cat.)
Pinksummer, Genova, Italy
Inova, Milwaukee, WI, USA
TBA Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
Eingang Links
Kunstverein Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany
Gallery Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Cover Versions
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands (exhb. cat.)
Strange, I’ve seen that face before
Modern Institute, Glasgow
Favourite cloths worn while she or he workedGesellschaft fur Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, Germany (exhb. cat.)
It seems that an animal is in the world as water in the water
BQ, Cologne, and Kunsthalle Lophem, Bruges, Belgium (exhb. cat.)
Salon 3, London

Group Exhibitions

HopeMUSEION Kuratorin, Bolzano, Italy
Geneva Biennale
Sculpture Garden, Geneva, Switzerland
Looking Through the Threshold
Galerie Carlier Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
The Dreamers
58th October Salon, Belgrade Biennial, Belgrade, Serbia
Le Saint Ennui
BQ, Berlin, Germany
All the time that came before this moment
Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel, Switzerland
Raymond, curated by Luca Trevisani
Manifesta 12, Grand Hotel et des Palmes, Palermo, Italy
ISelf Collection: Bumped BodiesWhitechapel Gallery, London
Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France
The Reservoir of ModernismKunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
“Why are my friends such finks” 1998-2018
BQ, Berlin, Germany
Don’t Look Like a Line
Pinksummer, Turin, Italy
Gallery-Legacy of Milica Zorić & Rodoljub Čolaković, Belgrade, Serbia
MANIERA 12 & 13: Christ & Gantenbein and Bojan Šarčević
Maniera, Brussels, Belgium
The Inner Skin: Art and ShameMarta Herford, Herford, Germany
Theories of Modern Art
Modern Art, London
Geographies of Dust and Air
Mary Mary, Glasgow
Political Landscape: Art, Resistance, Salzkammergut
Institute for Art in Public Sphere Styria/ Joanneum Universal Museum, Salzkammergut, Austria
An InterventionJohn Hansard Gallery, Southampton University, Southampton
The Reluctant Narrator
Berardo Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal
Galerie Sandra Buergel, Berlin, Germany
JGM. Galerie, commissioned by Marjolaine Lévy, Paris, France
Group ShowJupiter Artland, Edinburgh
1966-79, commissioned by Laurent MontaronInstitut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France
Drawing:SculptureThe Drawing Room, London
Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds
Thank You for the Music - How Music Moves Us
Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
Hirschfaktor, Die Kunst des Zitierens
ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, Germany
Silence and TimeDallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX, USA
Suspense: Suspended sculptures
EX3 Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy
The Horizon Behind Us
Kaleidoscope, Milan, Italy
Bortolami Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Love of DiagramsPerth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth, WA, Australia
Aporien Der Liebe
BQ, Berlin, Germany
The Crystal HypothesisGAMeC, Bergamo, Italy
Transitory Objects
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
Videos Europa
Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, France
It’s about sculptureSammlung Haubrok, Berlin, Germany
Frac Ile-de-France / Le Plateau, Paris, France
No Information available
Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Many Challenges Lie Ahead in the Near FutureKölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany
SEE history 2008
Kunsthalle, Kiel, Germany (exh. cat.)
Vertrautes Terrain: Aktuelle Kunst in und über Deutschland
ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
Der große Wurf
Museen Haus Lange – Haus Esters, Krefeld, Germany
Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht
MARTa, Herford, Germany
Point de VueKunstverein Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany
Like Leaves
Gallery Tanya Bonakdar, New York, NY, USA
Argos, Brussels, Belgium
Thilo Heinzmann, Antoni Llena and Bojan Sarcevic
Gallery Bortolami, New York, NY, USA
Re-traitFondation d’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France
Après la pluie
Musée Départemental dArt Contemporain de Rochechouart, Rochechouart, France
Entre fronterasMARCO Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
The Secret Theory of Drawing, The Drawing Room, London; Niland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland
The Drawing Room, London; Niland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland
Personal Affairs
Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Planting the Tele
Mary Mary, Glasgow
The secret theory of drawingDrawing Room, London
Dorothea von Stetten-Kunstpreis
Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Strange, I’ve seen that face before
Staedtisches Museum Abteiberg, Moenchengladbach, Germany
StrayPara/Site, Hong Kong, HKSAR, China
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany
White Cube Berlin, Berlin, Germany (exhb. cat.)
Model Modernism
Artists Space, New York, NY, USA
Material Time/Work Time/Life Time
Reykjavik Arts Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
Universal Experience: Art, Life, and the Tourist’s Eye
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, USA
It takes some time to open an oyster
Centre Cultural Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Time Zones,
Tate Modern, London
Adaptive Behaviour
New Museum, New York, NY, USA
Formalismus, Moderne Kunst, heute
Kunstverein Hambourg, Hamburg, Germany
Real World: the dissolving space of experience
Modern Art Oxford, Oxford,
Witte de With, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Auschwitz Trial: 40 years later
Buergerhaus Gallus, Frankfurt, Germany
3rd Berlin Biennale, Berlin, Germany
Photography, Video, Mix media 2
DaimlerChrysler Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Haunch of Vension, London
Here & Now
Matrichit street site, Bangkok, Thailand
Musee d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, France
50th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
My head is on fire but my heart is full of love
Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ars 01
Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland
Traversee, ARC
Musee d’Art Modern de la ville de Paris, Paris, France
Le detour par la simplicite
Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France
Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
CCAC Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA
Le Tribu dell’Arte
Galleria Communalle d’Arte Moderna e Contemporana, Rome, Italy
Akademie der Kunst, Berlin, Germany
Model, Model
NeuAachenerKunstverein, Aachen, Germany
Watou Projects
Watou, France
Centre Soleil d’Afrique
Bamako, Mali
Soft Resistance
Galerie Gebauer, Berlin, Germany
Setagaya Art Museum Tokyo, Japan
Guarene Arte 98
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
Manifesta 2
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Selected Collections

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
Kanazawa, Japan
Daimler Contemporary
Berlin, Germany
Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas, TX, USA
Fondazione Morra Greco
Naples, Italy
FRAC Auvergne
Clermont-Ferrand, France
FRAC Poitou-Charentes
Angoulême, France
Institut d’art contemporain
Villeurbanne, France
Kiasma – Museum of Contemporary Art
Helsinki, Finland
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
MUDAM – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Museum Abteiberg
Mönchengladbach, Germany
MMK – Museum für Moderne Kunst
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sammlung Boros
Berlin, Germany
Sammlung Haubrok
Berlin, Germany
TBA21 – Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
Vienna, Austria